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我的模块合集All My...

我的模块合集All My...

版本:0.4.5 大小:2.54M 分类:系统工具 时间:2016-08-18
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CyanogenMod / AOSP和几个应用程序(Firefox,Adobe Reader,MX播放器)的各种调整合集。这个模块目前提供15项调整。


Disable Su Indicator - Disable # (pound/hash) indicator in status bar

Always Software Menu - Allows to have both software menu button and menu mapped to key on CM. Workaround for this.

No Toast Icons

Pocket First - Make Pocket the first option when sharing

Desk Clock Alarm - Make Alarm the default tab in stock/Google Desk Clock

One Way Brightness - Make auto brightness go only up

Battery Light Disabler - Battery light will not shine when in downtime (Interruptions) or when the screen is on

One Hand Zoom Enabler (Firefox/Adobe Reader)

Battery History XXL - Enlarge the stock settings battery history - from 10 to 30 records

Native Freezer - Disable and re-enable any 3rd party app from System Settings

Minimum Brightness (MX Player/system) - Change the minimum brightness level from usual 10 to 1

Gentle Haptic Feedback

Compact Volume Panel

Chrome Tabs Toolbar On Phone - Enable tablet layout while keep mobile User Agent

Disable Horizontal Scroll (Adobe Reader)

Remap PREV button to PLAY/PAUSE - Allow use volume keys to change volume, advance to next song and play/pause

Remap NEXT button to Torch - Allow use volume up key (long press) to start flashlight (when music is off)

K920 Cardboard Fix - Fix screen resolution in Google Cardboard on Lenovo Vibe Z2 Pro (K920)

No Wake On Charge - Disable screen wake when cable is plugged in/unplugged on Samsung Galaxy S5 (stock Android 5.0)

NEW! Reader Mode (Adapt Display) - Enable Samsung screen ebook reading mode for Adobe Reader/Moon+ Reader on Samsung Galaxy S5 (stock Android 5.0)


Add "Volume Keys Cursor Control" tweak




